Back to WordPress after a Long Hiatus

I’m back! It’s been so long since my last post. To all my followers and readers, I would like to say sorry for the long hiatus that I have made.  I took a break from creating blogs because I had to focus on my two bunnies and had to review for my Integrationsprüfung A2 (which IContinue reading “Back to WordPress after a Long Hiatus”

Filipino Roots

The meaningful Philippine Flag. Photo credits to my husband. As you all know, I am an expat living in Central Europe but I am very proud of my Filipino roots. I love Philippines. I really do. In fact, I consider it as the best home ever despite all the not-so-good issues that its citizens complainContinue reading “Filipino Roots”

How is it like to be an Expat?

Expatriates. Abroad. Different Culture. New Language. Away from home. Far from family and/or friends. These are just some of the issues that expats around the globe are currently experiencing. I know it because I am an expat myself. Actually, I have been an expat since 2016. Kinda long now and to tell you the truth,Continue reading “How is it like to be an Expat?”

Summer is here, so what’s next?

Been so busy this week that I was not able to post for a while. Lo siento. Tut mir Leid. Sorry. Patawad. I’ve got a lot of things to do, so my WordPress blog is not so updated. But hey, I am here now, trying to post some things. Gott sei dank! Anyway, it’s summerContinue reading “Summer is here, so what’s next?”

Together Again

Hello, friends and readers! After a few days of being silent on social media and WordPress, here I am now, making a short update about the happenings in my life. My husband is finally back in Europe as his work contract in Hongkong has just ended. We are together again. No more long distance. NoContinue reading “Together Again”