Adobo Journal

Here I am again, craving for something that is totally far from me. Waaaaaaah, I miss the spicy chicken adobo of my sister and the yummy and tender pork adobo of my father. How I wish they were here to cook my favorite food. 😦 Adobo — one of the most famous and most deliciousContinue reading “Adobo Journal”

Summer is here, so what’s next?

Been so busy this week that I was not able to post for a while. Lo siento. Tut mir Leid. Sorry. Patawad. I’ve got a lot of things to do, so my WordPress blog is not so updated. But hey, I am here now, trying to post some things. Gott sei dank! Anyway, it’s summerContinue reading “Summer is here, so what’s next?”